Thursday, June 24, 2010

Honor killings – Honoring our Narrowness

It seems like that Honor killing is latest fad among the smitten parents/relatives/communities whose children’s have defied the norms laid by the society to get married to their dream partner with whom they were deeply in love !!!
As we are frequently hearing and watching in utter disbelief about these cases & with each passing incident only one thing goes in my mind why…why…Why..WHY.. WHYYYYY!!!!!

It’s inhuman to hurt someone and I don’t understand what you would call it when somebody who is your own blood just rips you apart for the mere reason that you have taken a decision which was against your own blood. Is this is the cost which one is supposed to pay for following his or her own heart?

I was going through few of the comments which were posted against a news article related to Honor Killing …and it’s sad to realize that there are people who are silently game for it!!!! How inhuman can one be if anyone is justifying it….even if we look back into our history sacrificing one’s own life has been the trend to savor one’s pride and honor but few people think otherwise these days.

It’s true that it hurts when one stands against his or her own family for someone whom they know just from past few months or years. Our parents who have undergone considerable amount of ordeal during our upbringing have lots of hope from us which is fair enough but I seriously feel most of the time they over do it!!!!

As we all know expectations when not fulfilled give rise to frustration and anger and thus erratic behavior and acts but what is most shocking in these cases is that all have been executed in cold blooded fashion. This looks more like a revenge than a knee jerk reaction and that’s make it more dangerous and condemnable.

As we are developing and becoming more liberal and self oriented thus defying our cultural/traditional values surrounding us, our society is becoming more and more reactive/desperate/restless in its action to teach us a lesson. And if the person who brings you in this world is not considerate to you, you cannot expect much from this self centered / narrowly type casted society of yours.

There is no point in discussing whether these killings are right or wrong as you cannot make a wrong thing right by attaching honor and pride angle to it. Practically speaking I don’t see any end to this kind of brutal assassination of one’s feelings very soon and let’s hope our government enforces some strict laws to discourage this maniac behavior.

I just want an eye for an eye kind of justice for all these cases so that those who have sacrificed their lives may rest in peace and those who are supporting it should know that they just can’t escape after doing this heinous act of crime as they have approval & support from their society. No one is bigger than laws of the land!!!


  1. What the hell will you do with the honor you 'thin k' that you've protected successfully after killing your own blood !!
    Nice and tempting.Keep writing :)

  2. Cross breeding...and marriage in gotra's, which is the basis of these honor killings, have thr own scientifically proven flaws. So the rational behind the community angst is not all that wrong. But to tackle it with honour killing is the worst way of enforcing communities decision.
